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If walking in the various farm fields,http://www.mljadoptions.com/css/.php/shoes_p2.html, looking ahead, a flat lush scene, if you do not go to the edge of the farm, seen from afar through the shelter delectable desert background, will certainly be mistaken into an oasis or plain regions. Central Asia, méng ancient, Afghanistan, perhaps the future plus bō Krishnan department, the western region of India, an area is very large, you can develop a lot of use of the land. Therefore, the South can never have too many immigrants, young and strong ability to absorb knowledge, young adults, arranged into the factory, slightly older family and I, and in literacy after being arranged to farming.

Academy experts in the field study concluded that,nike shoes, in accordance with the present natural conditions, if the planning and construction of properly, can be used in many places farming. You know, sandy terrain on potatoes, sweet potatoes, huā hygiene rules for crop growth very good shape, but light enough these places, crop photosynthesis significant, high yield, can establish farms in the desert, planting crops. Thus, according to agricultural experts ' opinions, Southern Group's investment approach, along the edge of the desert, to establish a large number of farms, access to agricultural crops in the same time, the way to play the role of the deserts.

The usual practice is : First, draw a small out in the desert as part of growing Salix. Central Asia, Sichuan and other places everywhere their breeding method is very simple just cuttings and early attention to watering, you can survive. nike outlet Rapid growth, lush foliage big fan roots, sand and soil conservation force strong, drought resistance, wind resistance to a certain salinity, resistant to cold and heat, hi moderate sand pressure, the more pressure the more prosperous, easy propagation, sprouting ability can be said that the transformation head desert of choice. Salix after surviving perimeter and then planted poplar, the two together, we can prevent the invasion of sand to reduce wind erosion on farm land.

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