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8384xS. In Lianyungang among more than twenty million people, 60% of the labor force ** Company name directly in the enterprises, but also indirectly for another two percent ** company, in a way, the city As louis vuitton online establishment, like everything belonging to the company, of course, this is not all, where hundreds of the same size distribution ranging from investors to establish enterprises, but can be one of the best companies in Lianyungang, but mostly companies, that, at least in the short term can not be changed.

Waiting for the bus at the site when the items around and looked toward Matsushige, near the site is full of people waiting for the bus, wearing a blue jacket, mostly factory workers, while wearing a suit or a uniform style clothing imitation NPC are company employees, here, simply did not see in their robes cheap louis vuitton city are accustomed to, in fact, this may be the biggest difference in Lianyungang. Easily cut braided dress! This may be a characteristic late Qing Dynasty in the late Qing Dynasty, China was still the Manchu regime after, although people advocate cutting braid, braid scissors but with a risk but, after all, has left the Manchu hair without leaving head, no braided beheading The progenitor system, and braids that since Jiashen years later, with the remaining head without leaving hair, leaving hair without leaving any head way to those who shun violence imposed on China · Health, Nizhe death, braids become the embodiment of a nation enslaved at the same time, and in a few hundred years in fashion prone process becomes a habit.

Later,http://www.pickensprogressonlines.net/us-lv/, though cut braided into the mainstream, you can easily cut braided clothes but in the domestic provinces become a habit. But this habit but was forced Lianyungang blocked from ** Longhai railway company to open repair · day began providing workers with uniforms, slowly it became the habit of Lianyungang and the entire Longhai, even in Longhai along the non-investment companies, also provide workers with uniforms, and these uniforms are fake ** style jacket, and civilian employees to provide either a suit, either imitation military uniform style of clothing. http://www.pickensprogressonlines.net/us-lv/

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